Abstract: From the viewpoint of methodology, the paper discuss the changing law of modern economics, argue that economics changed with the revision of the assumption, the revision strengthen or enlarge or change the foundation of economics, thus enlarge the research scope of economics. At last the paper makes a forecast of economics development direction and provides methodology guidance for theory innovation.
Key Words: Economy man ;Revision; Economics latest development;Methodology
① 杨春学认为,关于经济人的公开争论有三次:19世纪晚期历史学派与奥地利学派围绕“利己”与“利他”问题的争论;20世纪40年代的“利润最大化之争”和70年代以心理学实验为基础的“理性行为”的争论。见《经济人与社会秩序分析》,上海三联书店、上海人民出版社1998年版。
② 模型详述见贝克尔:《人类行为的经济学分析》,上海三联书店出版社1993年版,第335-342页。
④ Coase,R.H(1937), On the nature of the firm , Economica ,4,p386-405.